Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday Favorites

Hi all! Sorry I missed my usual Monday post, but I was sick with the flu and stuck in bed the first half of the week. I am feeling much better now though, and very excited about this week's Friday Favorites theme: Sasquatch!

I am fascinated by all sorts of myths, folktales and urban legends, and I am currently in the very early planning stages of a silly puppet show about Sasquatch and other cryptids. I have been doing a lot of reading about Sasquatch lately to get ideas, and while I am not quite a believer I do think it is the most likely of the crytpids, and is definitely my favorite. I was also very pleased to find a bunch of great Sasquatch inspired items on Etsy.

A sweet and kinda dopey stuffed Sasquatch by katiekylie.

Bigfoot in Space Pin by PearsonMaron, which is a great shop full of cryptids!
Pillows by brokesy.

I actually own and love this shirt by timberps, and love the rest of the shop too.

Very cute pin by LowmanJLL.

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