Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gnome Costumes!

It may come as no surprise that I love costumes. Not only do I enjoy making them, but I really love wearing them too. Wearing a costume just gives you a little different outlook on the world, and a peak into what it would be like to be a different person. I also really like to do my costumes right. No store bought costumes or slapdash things thrown together at the last minute for me. The problem with that is that every year when Halloween rolls around, I am very busy and only get a few hours to actually sit down and make my costume.
This year my husband and I decided to be garden gnomes, because, not only are they awesome, we knew we already had the big clothing pieces we would need for the costumes. We made the hats, apron, beard and belt, but everything else came from our closets. I was very pleased with results (especially for how easy it was), and now I have a great gnome outfit should I ever need one again!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The wedding dress!

So, remember how I posted about making a wedding for a friend several months ago? Well, due to some delays in getting the fabric and my busy schedule, I ended up doing all the sewing about two weeks before the wedding. I was in such a hurry to get it done that I didn't take any process pictures, but I finished it with time to spare and it came out beautifully if I do say so myself!

Here are some pictures of the dress on the day of the wedding.

This one is a little blurry, but it seems to be the only picture I got of the dress from front.