So, my little break was a little longer than I planned, but hey, that's life right? I did get a lot of stuff done while I wasn't blogging though, including planting my garden! I planted everything on Saturday, plants and seeds alike. I know I should have gotten the seeds planted a little earlier, but there was just too much to do getting the ground ready this first year. So, here are a bunch of pictures of my garden taken on Saturday. The only things you can't see are the recently planted seeds (of course), but planted carrots, radishes, lettuce, spinach and arugula seeds. Hopefully a few will be popping up today when I go check on everything.
Here it is- My Garden! Up at the top in the small section I planted 6 strawberry plants and all my zinnia seedlings and the big area has all the rest of the veggies as well as the three little poppy plants that came up.
A couple little critters I found crawling around.
My strawberry plants! I bought these and the tomato plants and I am so excited about fresh strawberries.
This is the one bean plant that I didn't break while transplanting, so I planted a few more bean seeds in hopes to make up for that.
Green pepper and Jalapeno plants.
Peas plants, I have some of both sugar peas and regular peas.
Watermelon. I have never successfully grown a regular watermelon, so I planted the small personal sized variety in hopes that will be easier.
Honeydew melon.
Tomato plant. I planted 5 tomato plants, 2 of which are cherry tomatoes and the other 3 are of the regular variety.
Yay plants! I finished my sock too last week, and I will post about it and any exciting garden progress soon.
Holyoke Canal District Winter Festival
8 years ago