Sorry I skipped Friday Favorites last week. I ran out of time before heading out for my Easter weekend. I hope you had a great weekend whatever you did. I had a great time relaxing with family, and I finally got a chance to work on digging and preparing the ground for the garden. It is almost ready, just needs to be worked a little more and I need to add some organic fertilizer too. I did a soil test and the nitrogen and potassium levels are pretty low right now. Luckily the weather this coming weekend is supposed to be absolutly amazing, so I can get out and finish that stuff up.
The seedling are coming along very well as you can see!

Today is day 10 that they have been in the ground, and the only things that haven't come up yet are the jalapenos, green peppers and rosemary- which are all supposed to take at least 10-14 days. I am really impressed by how quickly everything is growing, and I am actually a little worried that they might out grow their little seedling pots before it is time to put in them in the ground. 4/29 is supposedly the magic date when it is safe to transplant seedling outside, so hopefully they can make it two more weeks.
This reminds me of the the seedlings my grandfather used to start every year for his little garden. He never grew peppers, but we always had TONS of tomatoes, asparagus, and cucumbers. I hope they don't outgrow their tiny pots before you can transplant them!
Awesome! I wish I could grow things. I've killed a cactus. :-/ Haha.
awesome sprouts , grow little guys and gals grow!
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