Here it is- My Garden! Up at the top in the small section I planted 6 strawberry plants and all my zinnia seedlings and the big area has all the rest of the veggies as well as the three little poppy plants that came up.
A couple little critters I found crawling around.
My strawberry plants! I bought these and the tomato plants and I am so excited about fresh strawberries.
This is the one bean plant that I didn't break while transplanting, so I planted a few more bean seeds in hopes to make up for that.
Green pepper and Jalapeno plants.
Peas plants, I have some of both sugar peas and regular peas.
Watermelon. I have never successfully grown a regular watermelon, so I planted the small personal sized variety in hopes that will be easier.
Honeydew melon.
Tomato plant. I planted 5 tomato plants, 2 of which are cherry tomatoes and the other 3 are of the regular variety.
Yay plants! I finished my sock too last week, and I will post about it and any exciting garden progress soon.
I can't wait till I have a yard to plant a garden, right now I have tomatoes, basil, cilantro and garlic in various pots and I move about outside my little apartment. Your garden looks fantastic so far!
oh cilantro! I need to plant some,fresh cilantro would be amazing. Enjoy your potted garden!
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