Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hello Again!

Hello! I've been away from this blog for quite a long time, but I am ready to start up again finally. So here is the plan- I am going to jump back into blogging about my various arts and crafts and creative endeavors, but I am not going to focus on my shop much at all any more. It will be active and I will add things occasionally, but I don't have enough time to really make it a good business. Instead I am going to share projects I am working on for fun, or creative work I am doing for others jobs that seems to fit here.

So, here we go!

I am on a knitting kick lately. I knit hats for three people for Christmas this year, and was pleased really pleased with how well they came out. That got me wanting to knit something for myself. Then I joined a local knitting circle and they got me to sign up for Ravelry and now I am hooked. I want to knit everything! Right now I am working on two projects. I knitting my first lace item with some yarn I had stashed for years. I am pleased wiht it for my first try at lace, but I don't know what excatly it will end up as, since I don't think I have enough yarn to make the neckwarmer I had planned. Here it is in progress:

I am also knitting my first big project. I am making myself this great shrug. This is what it will (hopefully) look like when I am done.

I am about to finish the collar ribbing and start on the chevron pattern. Here is mine in progress:

That is all for now, but I do plan on posting weekly again, so I will see you soon!

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