Here is the view from one corner of the garden- you can see a little bit of most everything.
Pea plants and a pretty pea blossom. There are a few pea pods almost ready to pick, I think I will go back for them and a few other things this weekend.
Radishes! They don't look ready yet, but seem to be better this year since we spaced them a little farther apart.
Cucumbers- the plants are still a little small, but seem healthy. We probably won't have cucumbers until August.
Mixed greens lettuces- I am definitely picking these this weekend and making a salad. I also plan to plant more seeds afterward so we can get a second crop.
Green beans- these are also basically ready to pick!
Green Peppers- as you can see we have a blossom on one of the pepper plants, and they both look healthy.
Chamomile- It is growing! I was not sure it would there for awhile. Now I just need to find out how to make it into tea . . .
The tomatoes- Four of the five plants are doing wonderfully. The small plant in the second cage there has some wilting and yellowing leaves. I really hope it is not blight. It may just be over watering- it doesn't really look like blight yet. I am giving it until this weekend to get better, but if it doesn't I might have to get rid of it so the others don't get infected. There are lots of green tomatoes that need protecting!
Last but not least Zucchini- The plants are looking good, and there are some blossoms. I just hope we actually get some zucchini this year, last year we had tons of blossoms but none ever fruited.
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