Friday, May 20, 2011

Its the crafty time of year!

For me at least. My regular school year classes are ending, my summer hours and classes don't start until July, and so I have some time on my hands! I have puppets to make for our next show, but I am going to spend some of my time at home making things just for fun.
I finally picked up my shrug again this week, and it was much easier to get started again than I feared. I am knitting away, finishing up the ribbed border, and should have finished pictures to show soon!I joined a sock knitting group on ravelry with the goal of knitting a pair of socks per month too. I am sure I won't be able to keep up with that pace, but hopefully it will encourage me anyway!
I am also going to several weddings this summer, so I need to make some gifts. I am not sure what those will be exactly, but I have a little time to figure it out. Any suggestions, what do you like to give/get as a handmade wedding gift?

Oh!!! The garden needs to be started too! I planted peas already, but haven't done anything else yet, so more on that to come.