Where have I been you may be asking. (Although, I am pretty sure there is nobody who reads this often enough yet to really ask that.) I am still here, I assure you!
I have been really really busy lately (so busy I started writing this post about 2 weeks ago and just now got around to finishing it), and it seems I have had a hard time juggling all my new projects. So the bad news here is that I don't have anything new for my Etsy shop, or any new crafty stuff in general. The good news though, is that my classes and all that stuff I have been doing are going well, and I have been very creativly productive in those veins. The other good news is that one of my classes is now on break, so I have every Monday until March 30th off!!! That is right, a whole day off every week, just for me. I am so excited!
I want to take the opportunity to make Monday my day to work on things for my shop, for my own new puppet show I am planning, or any of the many things I have been meaning to make for myself that have pushed to the back burner. My hope is that if I make it a habit now, I will be able to continue at least having half a day for this stuff after my class starts up again.
So, my plan is to sleep in a little on Monday (cause everybody needs a day for that) and then get to my studio and spend the day there. I also am going to take picutres, no matter how much or little I get accomplished, and post here Monday evening. Does that sound like good plan? What helps keep you motivated and in the habit of crafting & blogging? Any suggestions would be appriciated. See you Monday!
Holyoke Canal District Winter Festival
9 years ago