Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Great Scrap Question

So my plans for today are to go vote first thing (don't forget!) and then head to my studio for the rest of the day to get some sewing done. Of course whenever I sew, I end up with lots of small scarps of fabric left over and I am always unsure of what to do with them. I hate to throw anything away, so I save my scraps hoping someday I will have a use for them.
One interesting thing I have found to do with small pieces of fabric that doesn't ravel or fray easily is to use a zigzag stitch to sew bits together in a crazy quilt-like design. Since the fabric doesn't fray you don't have to create a seam, just butt the two piece of fabric up against each other and use a wide zigzag stitch to sew along the line where the pieces meet.
The picture is what I made using pieces of felted wool sweaters this way. My plan is to keep adding to it as I find more felted sweaters until I have a nice big blanket. I also have a lot of fleece scraps, and today I want to try using those to make something smaller, maybe scarves?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Getting Started

Yay for my first post! I have been wanting to start this blog for a while now, but I have been putting it off because I was not looking forward to doing all the set up stuff. It really wasn't bad though once I sat down and did it, and now I can move onto the fun stuff.

Like my profile says I am a puppeteer but I also like to take the time to make other things I enjoy. Part of the purpose of this blog is to help keep myself motivated to do that (since I seem to fall into creative slumps every few months) and give me a place to share what I am doing. I also plan to post other art/craft stuff that I find interesting or inspiring.

My new big project is the Etsy shop I opened a couple of weeks ago. You can check it out if you would like. So far I have several aprons and a woven ribbon bag listed, and a couple half done bags and aprons to be finished and listed later this week. I also started knitting a hat last night. I might list it when it is done or keep it for myself, depending on how it looks with my big hair. I will post some pictures of it in progress here later this week.

If you are interested in my puppet work, I am also working on getting a blog started for that too in the next week or so. For now here is one of my favorite pics of stuff in my shop.