Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Falling Behind

That is what it feels like I am doing this week. I have two special order Christmas presents that aren't finished yet (luckily they are for local people), I haven't gotten my new stuff up in my shop, and I have tons of personal Christmas related stuff that needs to get done, not to mention all my other regular work.

The good news is that this is the last week for my after school classes before Christmas, so after Thursday night I won't have to worry about any teaching related stuff until January 6! I have also decided not to worry about putting new things in my shop until after Christmas. It is really almost too late for to get things shipped to people in time anyway, and as much as I want to keep my shop active, I don't think I will lose out much taking some time away now. Blogging is the other thing I am going to take some time away from until I am caught up on everything. I am not sure exactly when I will post again here, definitely by New Year's, but hopefully sooner. When I am back I will have lots of pictures of finished Christmas gifts and new Etsy stuff to share!

Hope everyone has happy holidays, see you soon!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another Busy Week

This week is another pretty busy one for me, although I ended up taking Monday and Tuesday off from teaching because I had a really sore throat. I am feeling much better now, and am almost caught up from what I missed those days.

The new thing going on this week is that I am going to exhibit & sell some puppets in Holyoke, MA on Saturday to benefit Doctors Without Boarders. It sounds like a great event for a great cause, and you can find out more about it here

This weekend's craft fair in Otis was kind of a mixed bag . Not many people came, so we didn't sell too much, but my husband met a lot of really great artists and crafters there, and had a good time all around. One of the people he met was Janna of Capture Our Moments, and she took these pictures of some of the puppets for us!

The other new thing is that I finally have business cards! They were designed by the awesome Ironcladdesigns who also designed my banner. I think he did a great job I am very glad to have something so nice to hand out to people.

I also have the two new ribbon bags just about ready to list in my shop! I hope to get that done on Saturday, as well as start on a couple special orders that I need to get done before Christmas. I will post again on Saturday with pictures of the bags and maybe the special orders in progress!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Yay Sales!

This week I am celebrating my first real sales in my etsy shop! I had a great trade with another seller, Lucy's Postcard Quilts, last week, and this week I have sold two of my aprons. It is really nice to not be waiting for my first sale anymore, and feels like the shop is real now. Huzzah!

Last night's craft fair went pretty well too. I wasn't sure about it since it was an evening weeknight event, but the turn out was good and a handful of puppets went home with happy kids. I am really excited about the fair in Otis on Saturday, though. Everything for sale from the snacks to crafts is going to be handmade, and there is supposed to even be some live music! I am a little bummed that I can't be there myself. I will be at a baby shower (which will also be a lot of fun), but my husband will be there running our booth. If you are in the area you should drop by and check it out!

Have a Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pile of Puppets

I thought I would share some pictures of the hand puppets I am making for this week's craft fairs, especially since they are what is taking up most of my time this week. Here they all are lined up next to my sewing machine. I stayed up really late last night and got all of the bodies sewn, except for a couple orange ones on the end there. After that comes stuffing and attaching eyes and ears and such, which is really the fun part. I think this is a new record for the most puppets I have ever made at a time (31 in all), and I am excited about getting a picture of them all set up together when they are finished. For now though, I have scraps of fleece all over the place.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Bags + Busy, Busy

Ooops! It has been a while since I updated. A big part of the reason it has been so long since my last post is that I have been really busy with lots of exciting things lately. So here is the quick run down of whats new.
I have starting teaching puppetry classes in after-school programs at two local schools. One is a high school, and the other is an elementary school. It is lot of fun to see the students learn and enjoy themselves, and it is also interesting to see how the different age groups work with some of the same materials.
I have been doing lots of craft fairs lately, and they have been going pretty well. The only downside to that is all the new stuff I have made has gone to the fairs and I haven't been able to add anything new to my etsy shop in awhile. The upsides are that I don't have to spend as much time on marketing when I sell at fairs, and I really like meeting the customers face to face and seeing them enjoy my work. I have two, count them, two fairs coming up this week. Here are the details, please stop by if you happen to be in the area.

Indian Orchard School
95 Milton St.
Indian Orchard, MA 01151
12/4 6pm-8pm

Farmington River School
555 N Main Rd
Otis, MA 01253
12/6 10am-4pm

The classes and fairs are taking up most of my time, but I am also still working on some other puppetry projects and hoping to make some Christmas gifts for friends and family. I also haven't been the best about taking pictures of what I am working on, but I do have these pictures of ribbon bags in process.

Blues and greens:And reds and browns:
I like the way they are coming along so far, and if they don't go at the craft fairs you can probably see them in my shop next week. I should get back to sewing, so that is all for now, but I will try and update again later this week.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Great Scrap Question

So my plans for today are to go vote first thing (don't forget!) and then head to my studio for the rest of the day to get some sewing done. Of course whenever I sew, I end up with lots of small scarps of fabric left over and I am always unsure of what to do with them. I hate to throw anything away, so I save my scraps hoping someday I will have a use for them.
One interesting thing I have found to do with small pieces of fabric that doesn't ravel or fray easily is to use a zigzag stitch to sew bits together in a crazy quilt-like design. Since the fabric doesn't fray you don't have to create a seam, just butt the two piece of fabric up against each other and use a wide zigzag stitch to sew along the line where the pieces meet.
The picture is what I made using pieces of felted wool sweaters this way. My plan is to keep adding to it as I find more felted sweaters until I have a nice big blanket. I also have a lot of fleece scraps, and today I want to try using those to make something smaller, maybe scarves?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Getting Started

Yay for my first post! I have been wanting to start this blog for a while now, but I have been putting it off because I was not looking forward to doing all the set up stuff. It really wasn't bad though once I sat down and did it, and now I can move onto the fun stuff.

Like my profile says I am a puppeteer but I also like to take the time to make other things I enjoy. Part of the purpose of this blog is to help keep myself motivated to do that (since I seem to fall into creative slumps every few months) and give me a place to share what I am doing. I also plan to post other art/craft stuff that I find interesting or inspiring.

My new big project is the Etsy shop I opened a couple of weeks ago. You can check it out if you would like. So far I have several aprons and a woven ribbon bag listed, and a couple half done bags and aprons to be finished and listed later this week. I also started knitting a hat last night. I might list it when it is done or keep it for myself, depending on how it looks with my big hair. I will post some pictures of it in progress here later this week.

If you are interested in my puppet work, I am also working on getting a blog started for that too in the next week or so. For now here is one of my favorite pics of stuff in my shop.